
Game Information | FFVII Character Compendium

From the Manual:

Job: Research Specimen
Age: 48
Weapon: Headdress
Height: 3'9"
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Cosmo Canyon
Blood Type: Unknown

Just as his name implies, he is an animal with fire-red fur. But under his fierce exterior is an intelligence surpassing that of any human's. His sharp claws and fangs make him good at close-range fighting, but other than that, not much is known about him. It's not even certain that "Red XIII" is his real name. A real enigma.

From the Game:

Red XIII—whose real name is Nanaki—was born and raised in Cosmo Canyon. He is one of the last members of his species, and has no known living relatives. His father Seto disappeared in the midst of the Gi War, while his mother perished. The young Nanaki grew up resenting his father, believing that Seto had abandoned him and his mother during the war.

As he grew older, Nanaki eventually left Cosmo Canyon to see the world, most specifically the city of Midgar. During his travels, he is captured by Hojo and taken to his lab in the Shinra Building, where he is given a new tattoo—the Roman numeral XIII—as well as a new name, Red XIII.

It is in Hojo's lab that the party first encountered Red. Hojo moved him into Aeris' containment cell, where he intended to breed the two. At first, Red put on the appearance of a wild beast, but then pounced on Hojo once he and Aeris were freed. He soon joined the party, aiding them in their escape from the Shinra Building, and continuing on with them throughout their quest.

The party later arrived in Cosmo Canyon, where they first learn about Red's real name, and also where Red has indicated his journey will end. While there, Red and the party visited the former's "grandpa", a strange old man named Bugenhagen, who takes Red, Cloud, and a third party member into a secret, sealed cave. Populated by the ghosts of dead Gi warriors, they eventually come upon the petrified Seto, who had come to the cave to protect the Canyon from the Gi, only to be turned to stone by poisonous arrows. Red was stunned by this revelation. Later, while talking alone with Bugenhagen, the old man told Red that he should continue on with the party and help save the planet.

Red followed Bugenhagen's wishes and continued on with Cloud and his friends. Several adventures later, the group comes back to Cosmo Canyon, where Red found himself once again alone with his grandpa. This time, Bugenhagen told Red that it's his duty to see the world, and not just to stay and guard Cosmo Canyon. He also said that Red may find his life's mate out there, then gives Red his ultimate weapon, the Limited Moon, before passing away. A saddened Red returned to the group and told them that his grandpa is "going away again".

Red's final appearance in the game is during the epilogue, which takes place five hundred years later. Here, he runs toward a cliff overlooking the ruins of Midgar, with a pair of cubs in tow.

Compilation Appearances:

Red XIII appears in Advent Children and Before Crisis, and shows up very briefly in Dirge of Cerberus. He is also mentioned in passing in the official short story "Barret".


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