
Strategy | Bestiary | Enemies T - Z

Tail Vault
Location: Wutai continent
Level: 28
HP: 960
MP: 0
EXP: 440
AP: 36
Gil: 380
Win: Phoenix Down
Steal: -
Morph: -
Location: Wutai continent
Level: 28
HP: 800
MP: 80
EXP: 340
AP: 34
Gil: 368
Win: Bolt Plume, Echo Screen, Hi-Potion
Steal: Bolt Plume
Morph: Swift Bolt
Location: Corel area
Level: 30
HP: 1600
MP: 0
EXP: 600
AP: 45
Gil: 600
Win: Bird Wing
Steal: Bird Wing
Morph: -
Location: Whirlwind Maze
Level: 25
HP: 15,000
MP: 250
EXP: 999
AP: 99
Gil: 999
Win: -
Steal: -
Morph: -
Touch Me
Location: Gongaga area
Level: 18
HP: 300
MP: 74
EXP: 170
AP: 23
Gil: 180
Win: Maiden's Kiss
Steal: Impaler
Morph: Remedy
Enemy Skills: Frog Song
Toxic Frog
Location: Temple of the Ancients
Level: 26
HP: 500
MP: 100
EXP: 420
AP: 30
Gil: 260
Win: Impaler
Steal: Impaler
Morph: Remedy
Enemy Skills: Frog Song
Trick Play
Location: Bone Village area
Level: 24
HP: 1500
MP: 100
EXP: 480
AP: 35
Gil: 800
Win: Hi-Potion
Steal: -
Morph: -
Twin Brain
Location: Mt. Nibel
Level: 25
HP: 400
MP: 20
EXP: 340
AP: 32
Gil: 320
Win: Ether
Steal: Ether
Morph: Turbo Ether
Under Lizard
Location: Temple of the Ancients
Level: 29
HP: 1400
MP: 140
EXP: 440
AP: 45
Gil: 420
Win: Remedy
Steal: Remedy
Morph: Remedy
Underwater MP
Location: Underwater Reactor
Level: 34
HP: 1000
MP: 100
EXP: 820
AP: 80
Gil: 600
Win: Shinra Alpha
Steal: Grenade
Morph: -
Unknown 1
Location: Sunken Gelnika
Level: 50
HP: 11,000
MP: 110
EXP: 1500
AP: 150
Gil: 5000
Win: -
Steal: Fire Armlet
Morph: Power Source
Unknown 2
Location: Sunken Gelnika
Level: 51
HP: 13,000
MP: 130
EXP: 3000
AP: 300
Gil: 10,000
Win: -
Steal: Aurora Armlet
Morph: Guard Source
Unknown 3
Location: Sunken Gelnika
Level: 52
HP: 15,000
MP: 150
EXP: 2000
AP: 200
Gil: 7500
Win: -
Steal: Bolt Armlet
Morph: Magic Source
Location: Nibel area, Rocket Town area
Level: 24
HP: 950
MP: 80
EXP: 300
AP: 30
Gil: 300
Win: Hi-Potion
Steal: -
Morph: Hi-Potion
Vargid Police
Location: Shinra Building
Level: 9
HP: 140
MP: 28
EXP: 44
AP: 7
Gil: 40
Win: Phoenix Down
Steal: Tranquilizer
Morph: Tranquilizer
Velcher Task
Location: Rocket Town area
Level: 26
HP: 900
MP: 28
EXP: 320
AP: 31
Gil: 350
Win: -
Steal: -
Morph: -
Location: Sector 5 Slums
Level: 9
HP: 140
MP: 28
EXP: 44
AP: 7
Gil: 40
Win: Potion
Steal: Speed Drink
Morph: Potion
Location: Bone Village area
Level: 33
HP: 33,333
MP: 333
EXP: 510
AP: 40
Gil: 460
Win: Carob Nut
Steal: Carob Nut
Morph: Elixir
Warning Board
Location: Shinra Building
Level: 12
HP: 270
MP: 0
EXP: 38
AP: 4
Gil: 75
Win: -
Steal: -
Morph: -
Whole Eater
Location: Sector 5 Slums
Level: 9
HP: 72
MP: 0
EXP: 24
AP: 2
Gil: 70
Win: -
Steal: Potion
Morph: Potion
Wind Wing
Location: Whirlwind Maze
Level: 36
HP: 1900
MP: 350
EXP: 800
AP: 60
Gil: 500
Win: Phoenix Down
Steal: Hi-Potion
Morph: Phoenix Down
Enemy Skills: White Wind
Wolf Meister
Location: Corel area (Huge Materia quest only)
Level: 43
HP: 10,000
MP: 200
EXP: 10,000
AP: 100
Gil: 600
Win: -
Steal: -
Morph: -
Location: Midgar (disk 2)
Level: 46
HP: 20,000
MP: 100
EXP: 2000
AP: 90
Gil: 3000
Win: Turbo Ether
Steal: -
Morph: -
Yin Yang (Yin)
Location: Shinra Mansion
Level: 24
HP: 1200
MP: 0
EXP: 400
AP: 30
Gil: 400
Win: -
Steal: -
Morph: -
Yin Yang (Yang)
Location: Shinra Mansion
Level: 24
HP: 1200
MP: 220
EXP: 300
AP: 40
Gil: 400
Win: -
Steal: -
Morph: -
Location: Junon area
Level: 17
HP: 285
MP: 36
EXP: 70
AP: 7
Gil: 165
Win: Hi-Potion
Steal: -
Morph: Hi-Potion
Enemy Skills: White Wind
Location: Shinra Building
Level: 14
HP: 250
MP: 93
EXP: 58
AP: 6
Gil: 60
Win: Ether
Steal: Deadly Waste
Morph: Remedy
Location: Gaea's Cliff
Level: 30
HP: 950
MP: 90
EXP: 700
AP: 60
Gil: 700
Win: X-Potion
Steal: -
Morph: Antidote
Location: Nibel Mountains
Level: 27
HP: 1200
MP: 40
EXP: 450
AP: 38
Gil: 430
Win: Bird Wing
Steal: Bird Wing
Morph: Bird Wing

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