
Downloads | Ringtones | Tifa's Theme

Listen to a sample of this ringtone: tifa.wav

The tempo for Tifa's Theme is 80BPM.

RTTTL/Nokring Format:

8c6, 8a6, 8g6, 8a6, 2c6, 8c6, 8a6, 8g6, 8a6, 2c#6, 8c#6, 8d#6, 8c#6, 1c.6, 8c6, 8a6, 8g6, 8a6, 2c6, 8c6, 8a6, 8g6, 8a6, 2c7, 8a6, 8f7, 8e#7, 2d7

Nokia Composer Format:

8c2, 8a2, 8g2, 8a2, 2c2, 8c2, 8a2, 8g2, 8a2, 2#c2, 8#c2, 8#d2, 8#c2, 1.c2, 8c2, 8a2, 8g2, 8a2, 2c2, 8c2, 8a2, 8g2, 8a2, 2c3, 8a2, 8f3, 8#e3, 2d3

Keypress Format:

18*, 6, 5, 6, 199, 188, 6, 5, 6, 199#, 188#, 2#, 1#, (hold 1)999, 1888, 6, 5, 6, 199, 188, 6, 5, 6, 199*, 688**, 4*, 3#, 299

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