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In the news

Sunday, February 26th, 2012
Posted by CloudANDTidus at 01:29 PM EST

We're Making Some Changes

So 2012 is here. That surprised everyone right?

This year will be the Citadel’s fourteenth birthday, and in Internet years that’s an incredibly long time. Final Fantasy VII is also a very old game. The console it was released on will soon be four generations old. As a site we got a major boost when the Compilation was announced (that was seven years ago now!), but since it ended four years ago things have been on a slow decline. Except for a continued appreciation of the original title, there is little to do except endlessly speculate about a remake that is never likely to happen.

It would be incredibly sad to see this decline continue in the face of the fourteen year lineage the Citadel has, so today’s changes are about refocusing our efforts. As a site we have two key things; the best resource of knowledge on the Internet for Final Fantasy VII and an amazing, endearing community. That incredible resource is outdated, difficult to navigate and impossible to search. In the coming months we hope to launch a completely revamped website for the game’s fifteenth anniversary that will correct all these issues, but today I would like to focus on our community.

We’ve let you guys down. The message board is broken and has been for a long time. The inability to even register an account has killed it. Therefore, today I’m happy to announce the opening of our new forums running on phpBB. In the revised boards there is more space for general Final Fantasy and Square Enix discussion, and I hope you enjoy and use them to the fullest. If anything is not to your liking, please start a discussion in the feedback forum and we will do our best to correct it. And yes, it has open registrations. I would like to give a special shout out to Reeve for providing a lot of the graphic design for the new boards, and for helping make its opening possible.

Along with todays changes we are retiring Reunion Tracks, as the information on it has long since become outdated. In it’s place we are launching a Facebook and Google+ page, as well as a Steam group, to join our Twitter account, so if you use any of those services, please check them out.

In more general house keeping, we are also closing fan fiction submissions to the Citadel. If you have an existing epic on the site we will continue to add additional chapters, but the site will no longer be accepting new entries. With the game so old and so many sites available to post stories yourself, this is a service we don’t have the man power to provide with the level of quality we expect of ourselves. Our deviantART Club accepts fan fiction should you still wish to share your work with the Citadel community.

Thank you so much for sticking with us, and we hope you enjoy the coming year and look forward to more announcements soon.


