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09/04/2008: "Dissidia: Final Fantasy Trailer and Release Info"

The latest trailer for the Final Fantasy fighting game Dissidia is now up at PSP Fanboy. It features plenty of new cutscene and gameplay footage, including some of FFVII's Sephiroth.

Dissisia will be released in Japan on December 18 of this year, and will be available both by itself and as part of a special PSP-3000 bundle. Release dates for the rest of the world have yet to be announced.

Posted by Reeve at 08:55 AM EST


on Thursday, September 4th, Will said

Anyone know yet who the other character from FF7 is going to be? Personally, as much as I think that Cloud is perhaps the best main character ever, I'd like to see Tifa take the spotlight for a change.

on Thursday, September 4th, Hollandre Grey said

As for that trailer... k-damn! That's gonna be some intense stuff! And a story mode in a brawler game? If it can match SSB-Brawl, it'll be more than worth the price of purchase!

on Friday, September 12th, jacob said

Tifa? That would be just as bad as Vincent taking the spotlight. If anything, Tifa is probably the character that has received the most attention since the whole compilation started.

Truth to be told, the only character that has proven to be compelling enough to star as a protagonist to a VII related title is Zack. And as much as I like Zack, Cloud has to be the VII representative. Cloud IS FFVII.

The surprise here wouldn't be Cloud starring though, it would be Cloud not being in the game, that would be a surprise.

on Friday, September 12th, TJ Bana said

It has to be Cloud, no one else. although, I like Tifa too and even though shes been getting plenty of "attention" she hasn't actually taken a lead role in anything - it might have been interesting from a character perspective.

Still, it has to be Cloud. :)

