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08/18/2007: "New Crisis Core Scans: Nibelheim Incident, Zack Pics for the Ladies"

Jeux France delivers again with a fresh pair of Crisis Core-related scans from Japanese games magazine V-Jump (ETA [08/20/07]: Four more scans, also from V-Jump have since been added). Contained within are an image of a newly confirmed summon (Odin); several screenshots from CC's depiction of the Nibelheim incident, complete with Tifa in her tour guide getup and Jenova in her containment tube; and a few shots of Shizune and a shirtless Zack in Costa del Sol. There's images of a previously unseen character as well. Though many of these new screenshots depict scenes from the original FFVII, as always, be mindful of potential spoilers.

Posted by Reeve at 07:16 PM EST


on Saturday, August 18th, BaleFire said

Is it just me, or is that Professor Gast? I don't recall him having a beard, but it makes sense for that to be him.

on Saturday, August 18th, Yuronova said

No, professor Gast is already dead. Remember? Hojo killed him when he abducted Ifalna and Aeris, this all happening when Aeris was maybe a couple years old. This man is seen alongside an adult Zack, so it rules out a flashback sequence since Zack and Aeris are about the same age. I can't postulate anything.

on Saturday, August 18th, metallover said

Do ladies actually like video games like VII? Or have I just been living under a rock?

on Saturday, August 18th, Anguipes said


I said ages on the forum that if all else fails about CC, at least there was a chance of shirtless SOLDIERs. And Squeenix delivers!

Now let's see if they can do gameplay and plot.

on Saturday, August 18th, Yuronova said

I met a cute girl who wants to marry me thanks to Halo 2 and Xbox Live. Does that count? Hey, Reeve's a woman, too. The site admin.

on Sunday, August 19th, midnightsunpm said

Metallover, most of my friends are girls that are gaming nerds. They love video games just as much as the rest of you.And I just happen to be a girl who is married to a man that is not into video games. I am the gaming nerd. I LOVE Fianl Fantasy and as you can tell, I come to this site often.

BTW I am happy, I saw Cloud! He wasn't shirtless though..... :(

on Sunday, August 19th, Reeve said

metallover: There are tons of female FF fans, and some of them run excellent fansites (not just this one, but at least three of our affiliates, as well as several others). Several fanfiction authors and fanartists (including nearly all of our banner artists so far) are also female.

Anguipes: I'm still waiting on shirtless Turks, myself (of course, Shizune doesn't count ;P).

on Sunday, August 19th, Sam said

If your wondering who the guy is check wikipedia. I'm afraid if I write it here it might count as a minor spoiler.

on Tuesday, August 21st, metallover said

Okay, jeez. I live in a freakin rural town that is commonly described as the 'only hole above ground', and it's a little difficult to even FIND FF games. So if I'm not used to seeing a female so much as look at a playstation, it's not realy my fault. Besides, the whole shirtless Zack pic is really cool. What? The metallover respects hot in both genders.

on Tuesday, August 21st, S said

Shirtless Zack appeals to us "gaymers" as well. ;D

on Tuesday, August 21st, southerndaisy said

I'm just another girl who loves FF too! I think the girls - especially the fanartists - may have a crush on Sephiroth because he epitomizes everything girls want in a man - mainly his personality,since women want authority (a large number,at least). They may also feel safe with a guy like that, with such huge sword - I'm not playing with words,ok? I really mean the sword!! But anyway,women should forget Sephiroth: Masamune is the only woman he'll ever stick to... Maybe Rufus is an easier target...

on Wednesday, August 22nd, Sephiroth Crescent said

J-E-N-O-V-A is the only woman to Sephiroth, but, oh well, if the woman is hot, Sephiroth can do an exception (lol).


Anyway, the man with the beard in the scans is indeed Dr. Hollander, the one who have the "CLONE" (or "COPY") technollogy from Shin-Ra, I can't understand that no one of you knew that, it's.. universal!! xD

P.D.: I've never left a post in here or in the forums but I really LOVE this site and I must say, I am watching this place from 2002. ^_^

(edited by Reeve, 10/27/07)

