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06/25/2007: "Crisis Core Plot Details Discussed"

RPGFan has posted some new information about Crisis Core, including some interesting details about the story and some of the characters. Please note that there are spoilers throughout.

Posted by Reeve at 09:14 AM EST


on Tuesday, June 26th, yeah said

Maybe Cloud will be in Crisis core, seeing how he met Zack about that time. He and Zack were used as Hojo experiments in the Shinra Manson. I just hope the game does not end where Zack is killed by the soldiers!!!!!

on Tuesday, June 26th, Dim_Yimma_H said

I too, put my guess on Cloud being in the game. There's a chance it ends before the Nibelheim reactor incident, isn't there? If the reactor incident is covered I'll be happy, though it would feel strange to climb Mt. Nibel again, it would look different.

on Wednesday, June 27th, Kyuu said

It was already revealed that Cloud does in fact appear in Crisis Core, though the extent of his appearance(s) is unclear. I'm guessing the game will in fact end with the scene where Zack is killed on the bluff outside Midgar.

on Wednesday, June 27th, Dawn Treader said

RPGfan!? Holy crap, forgot about you!

And uh, yeah, Crisis Core.. Woo, etc.

on Wednesday, June 27th, Hmmm said

I sense a Dawn Treader is not excited about CC, as the rest of us are. I am looking forward to playing it!

