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04/02/2007: "Crisis Core Site Goes Live"

GAF has noticed that Square Enix's Japanese website for Crisis Core is now more of an official site, as opposed to just a placeholder page. A quick visit yields one of Square Enix's typically exquisite Flash sites, with some information about the game (in Japanese only), a wallpaper download, and original FFVII sound effects while clicking through the Characters section—definately a nice touch. Go check it out!

Posted by Reeve at 09:45 AM EST


on Wednesday, April 4th, Sam said

Somehow it isn't as exciting as the ac and dc site prior to the releases. Is it just me or does other people feel the same??

on Thursday, April 5th, CloudANDTidus said

You found the AC and DC websites exciting? It's a flash website...


on Thursday, April 5th, midnighsunpm said

Yes but the flshing and the pretty colors made it all worth it.....*sighs* I just can't wait for the release in English.

on Thursday, April 5th, a ghosty said

Um is there a time line anywhere where it explains which title falls where and why because I am getting a little confused.

on Thursday, April 5th, me said

Queation: Is every Final Fantasy Game/ movie connected? MEANING that it was the same planet and we are learning about this planets history? Different time periods telling a different story? The time line I found suggested such, and would be most interesting if that were the case. I found the time line in the compilation files, near the polls.

on Sunday, April 8th, Hollandre Grey said

I liked the music, even though I can't translate Japanese... So I like it...

And, me, no. They are all seperate FF games, if that is what you mean. Similarities just make it easier to script. If you're talking about the Compilation of FFVII, then yes, they are all connected.

on Monday, April 9th, me said

No Hollandre Grey I mean EVERY single FF game (except the ill-fated Mystic Quest) Like I said a time line on this site suggest that from FFone until they (hopefully never) spot making the games, that each one is interconnected and is telling the story of that time period. I know the compilation of FFVII is doing that, but I mean ALL ff games.


I left out Mystic Quest because that was the only one made in AMerica and it was totally different.

