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Updates | Update Archive | September 2006 | Crisis Core, Advent Children Complete Featured at TGS 2006

09/23/2006: "Crisis Core, Advent Children Complete Featured at TGS 2006"

IGN has a report from Square Enix's theater at the Tokyo Game Show, which includes a new trailer for Crisis Core (which apparently includes battle footage), and a "Director's Cut" of Advent Children for Blu-Ray called Advent Children Complete. Other titles covered include the PS3's Final Fantasy XIII, the PS2's Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, the Nintendo DS's It's a Wonderful World, and a mobile game called Monotone. You can read the full report here, but be aware that it contains potential spoilers.

Posted by Reeve at 09:33 AM EST


on Saturday, September 23rd, midnightsunpm said

I hope they plan to release the Blu-Ray version, Advent Children complete in the USA as well, for I do not speak Japanese :(

on Sunday, September 24th, ReeseVII said

Yes!!!!!!!!!!crisis core news i have been waiting for this forever not to mention from what i have seen and heard the game will be amasing

on Sunday, October 15th, ian214 said


