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Updates | Update Archive | October 2007 | Fanfiction & Article: Midgar Story, Barfight and Crisis Core import review

10/10/2007: "Fanfiction & Article: Midgar Story, Barfight and Crisis Core import review"

Three new pieces of content have been submitted to the Citadel archives this week, including one long awaited return. Following over a year of absence from the site, JetNoir is back with chapter five of the fanfiction epic "Midgar Story". For new visitors, this story is set some years before the fall of the Shinra Electric Company where several people are thrust together to stop a madman from destroying the only thing that they have left: their home.

Our other entry to the fanfiction section is from Jacinth Nun, who has sent in a second short, humorous story. "Barfight" features Barret, Cid, Marlene, and Shelke following the events of Dirge of Cerberus, who are trying to burn some time at Tifa’s Seventh Heaven bar when trouble hatches. Both fics are rated PG-13, so check them out!

Our final submission is for the article archive and is written by first timer Daneder. His "Crisis Core import review" provides all the game play, music and aesthetic impressions you'll need of the Japanese release. This article has absolutely minimal spoilers; so do give it a read.

That's all the updates for today. Till next time.

Posted by CloudANDTidus at 02:40 PM EST


on Tuesday, October 16th, midnightsunpm said

Bar fight was really good. Great job.

