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Updates | Update Archive | September 2007 | The Citadel Roleplay Returns, Crisis Core Sales, Remix Album Reminder

09/15/2007: "The Citadel Roleplay Returns, Crisis Core Sales, Remix Album Reminder"

The FFVII Citadel's official Roleplay has returned after a long absence, and after several Forum members requested its reinstatement. This subforum is being moderated by The Slider and discussions about the RP itself are currently underway. New and experienced roleplayers are encouraged to join!

In other news, Crisis Core is the top-selling game on, according to Gamasutra. Jeux France has posted overall sales figures of 350,000 units on the first day alone; this figure includes sales of the limited-edition PSP bundle, which has already become hard to find.

Finally, don't forget that OverClocked ReMix's special FFVII fan remix album (previously mentioned here) is now available for downloading.

Posted by Reeve at 10:01 AM EST


