Right after the submarine part, you realize that another huge materia was loaded on a plane and taken to Cid's rocket town. Rufus plans to use the materia as a warhead for the missile which will be used to blow up the Meteo. Claude's party realizes how valuable materias are and race there to stop Rufus' plan. ---------- (as soon as you beat some guards at the rocket scene) Cid: Claude wait! I'm coming too- I need to clean out the shits from MY rocket. (change party members) Rude: It's you again... It's my job to eliminate all obstacles for the Shinra company. (fight Rude and two soldiers, make sure you steal the SideRitz armor from him. Rude loses, falls down, Claude's gang just walk over him in order to get to the rocket entrance). Rude: Don't...step on me!! ---------- (inside rocket) Commander: W...why are you here!? The Tarx ...Rude should have been outside!! Claude: Sorry about that. He's lying out there somewhere. Commander: What...the Tarx was beaten. But you can't pass here! (battle) ---------- (cockpit: Cid's three mechanics are there) Cid: You! What the hell are y'all doing here!? Mech1: Oh Captain! You're back! Mech3: Captain! We finally did it, we can fly this thing! Cid: Uh? What are you talking about!? They're gonna load the rocket with a materia warhead and shoot it to the Meteo! Mech1: Our rocket is going to save the planet. Mech2: Yeah. Claude: WAIT!! Cid: (to Claude) SHUT UP! (to the technicians) How's the rocket's condition? Tech1: Pretty ok. Claude: (getting angry) Tech2: But... Tech3: The rocket is supposed to be on Auto-pilot mode.. but one part is broken. Cid: What?! Can't you repair it? Tech3: Shiera's doing it right now. Cid: HA! Those idiots! That woman can't finish a job even if it takes her a hundred years! I'll handle this thing from now, so forget the auto-pilot mode. Go. 3Techs: Aye Aye Captain, good luck! (they leave) Claude: Hey Cid! What's going on?! A Materia is packed with old knowledge, wisdom. We're borrowing this wisdom to beat Sephiroth, and we can't afford to lose a huge matiria. You understand? Cid: I get it. I know how you feel too, but LISTEN! I don't give a damn whether we borrow power from science or magic. No... I'd rather use science. People were made to crawl on dirt... and now we can FLY all the way to space. Science is something WE made and it's power. It could save the planet... and there's nothing more fantastic than this idea for a guy like me, who depended on science for a living. I don't want to regret anything. Claude: But CID!! Cid: Shut up! This is my workplace, get the hell outa here. (engine starts suddenly, the rocket starts to shake) Cid: the hell is going on!? Palmer: (from the monitor) Hyo! Cid: Palmer! What did you do!! Palmer: Auto-pilot is fixed now, time to launch! Cid: !! Shiera.. damn it. Why were you so quick TODAY... (Cid desperately tries to unlock the auto-pilot machine, because they are trapped within a rocket which will soon take off) Cid: Shit, the code is locked! Palmer: Ho ho ho! Almost tiiiiiime foooor TAKE OFF! Cid: What's happening with the countdown!? Palmer: Ho---! Hoho! Taaaake offff!! (Take off FMV) ---------- Cid: (fascinated) I'm in space...finally... Now. Got to check the flight path... (pushes button, looks at monitor) Just as I thought, we're cruising straight to Meteo. Tifa: Can't we do something? We are going to crash... Claude: It's the end... Cid: Eh!? What did you just say?! Are you giving up already when you're still that YOUNG!? I don't plan to go straight into that Meteo. Look (shows monitor), there's always the escape pod. We're getting outa here before it crashes. Tifa: What about the materia? Cid: ....Do what you want. Go up that latter and find the huge materia. Claude: Is it alright? Cid: Dunno...Just a while ago I said all that stuff (about saving the planet)... but maybe I just wanted to see space. Do as you like. ---------- (inside the warhead chamber) Claude: Huge Materia, there it is. Cid: You unlock this with a password... hey Claude, you sure you know how to do this? Press square triangle X or O. If you get the correct code, you get the materia. Claude: What's the order? Cid: I dunno...just keep guessing at it. (punch in code. If you get it correct on your first try, Cid says "There's no way you could have guessed. You knew it already, didn't you?") (wrong code-) Machine: Access denied. The protection system will activate in 3 minutes. Cid: We missed. Punch the code before the system goes on... I heard about the code, adn I'll try to remember... just keep guessing while I'm at it. (with every wrong answer, Cid gives the following hints) You repeat a button I think... The last code was triangle... no was it X?? The third code was X... I have that feeling. The 2nd was not X The 2nd was not triangle...I'm sure of it. There's no triangle in the entire code. (when you get the correct code) Cid: Yes! Claude you got it! Thanks to my awesome advice. ------------ (engine room) (Oxygen tank 8 explodes, a huge plank of steel falls on Cid) Cid: gh.....!!! Damn it...I'm stuck! Claude: CID!! (claude and Tifa try to lift it) Tifa: ...I can't! It's too heavy... Cid: Don't worry. Get out of here, if you don't hurry you'll crash into the Meteo. Claude: ...We can't leave you. Cid: You idiot! You don't have the time to think about anyone else! Claude: We'll do what we can. Cid: You know what!? You ARE STUPID. REALLY STUPID!! ...(holds his head in his hands) The one that blew up was tank 8.... heh...tank 8. I was really insane then...Shiera...you were right all along. (almost crying) but...I'm finished! (door opens) Voice: What are you saying Cid. Cid: Huh? Shiera!? Shiera: I followed you. Hold on I'll get you out of there. Cid: You fool! ..... I'm sorry. (Shiera, Claude, and Tifa lift the plank) Shiera: The escape pod is this way, please hurry. ---------- (in the escape pod) Shiera: Hurry, We're going to take off. Cid: Shiera, does this pod actually work?? Shiera: Don't worry, I just checked it. Cid: (pauses).... ok. That means I don't have to worry. Shiera: Thank you. (Escape pod FMV) Cid: (looks out the window) This is space...huh...I'm really here...so long, Shinra 26. (Shinra 26 crashes into the Meteo, but only a fragment of it chips off, everyone on Earth cry in despair) ---------- (back on the Highwind) Claude: Rufus' plan failed. Barret: I hate to admit it... but I was counting on them Shinras...just a little. Cait: We got in their way (by taking away the huge materia warhead) ... Were we wrong...? Red: I don't know...it makes you really think it over. Tifa: Stop brooding!! THINK!! Cid: Yeah, sis is right. Once you start brooding, you can only go in one direction, and that's DOWNWARD. Barret: YOU are positive, you have some idea then? Cid: Sure. I really thought while I watched Earth from space...I was thinking all the time, ever since I climbed into the escape pod, all the way until I was floating in the ocean. Claude: I thought too.... space... stars... the ocean. It's all so big out there and our efforts seem so small. Negligible even. Maybe we won't change anything in the universe. Cid: Maybe. But I didn't think that way. Compared to space, this Earth is just a speck! It's all so dark out there and Earth is just floating, all alone. Plus it's got a disease called Sephiroth. This planet is just a baby; it can't do anything and yet it's alone. Somebody has to look after it, and who is that somebody? Isn't it US? Tifa: Cid... that was kind of poetic, so nice! Barett: Cidman! That was very moving, so now what? How are we going to protect this baby earth from Meteo? Cid: (blinks a couple times, and then sits down) .....I'm in the MIDDLE of thinking. Red: huh? Did you just hear something- Tifa: Something is crying... the Meteo? ...Or is it Earth? Claude: Wait, why do we know that this soudn is a 'cry'? Tifa: Did you forget? Bugenhagen taught us. Claude: Bugenhagen... Red: Let's go see grandpa! Cosmo Canyon! I think he can help. Cait: It's a secret but...BugenHagen used to work for the Shinra. He never bought it though, all the Makou and Weaponry. ----------- (the end) This translation will continue onto 'BugenHagen's Speech' and 'Infiltrating Midgard'. -Cathy