whew! Sorry about the few days in which I did absolutely no translating work at all... I do have other things to take care of. Getting these done on time, as I planned to before...one per day :( is almost impossible for me now. Please bear with this inconsistency until next week, (spring break for me). Also a reminder to people who do not want their game spoiled: Do not read the rest unless you have gotten the first 2 'huge materias'. With that said, enjoy. All quotes that are from Claude and Tifa's memory are notified by >> marks. Cool quote by Claude: "I started to carry a chip on my shoulder...always picking fights...." ------------ (Earthquake at Mideel, the infirmary town) Cid: Tifa, Claaaaude!! Ruuuuuuun!! Tifa: (inside infirmary) This is not good...the earthquake is getting even worse! Wait a second Claude. (to Doctor) Doctor! Shouldn't we leave as well instead of staying here? Doctor: Yes...we should escape to an open area...it's safer that way. Tifa: Claude, don't worry. I'm going to make sure you are A-OK! Doctor: Oh no, this building won't last! Hurry! Tifa: OK, ready Claude? (pushes the wheelchair that Claude is sitting on, goes outside, but the earth cracks. Both Tifa and Claude fall into the pool of Makou/Lifestream) ------------ (in darkness) Tifa: Where am I? What happened to me...? (looks around) Claude? Claude, where are you? (hears the voices of the dead, souls of the lifestream) ? What? Who's there...? ...I can't hear you!...Wait, no I don't know that... (shakes her head) I would never do such a thing! (holds her hands to her ears) No,stop!! Somebody help me, please!! Claude Help!! (screams) ------------ (inside Claude's memory) Tifa: ...Where is this? (sees Claude floating above) Claude, what's going on?! Is this your dream? Or...is this your conscience...? I see, you're trying to find your 'Self'...I'm going to help you too Claude...we're going to find your REAL personality. But how? Claude1: 5 years ago, I entered the gates of Nibelheim...It all began there. Tifa: (sees the gate of Nibelheim of Claude's memory) This leads to Nibelheim? Yeah, starting here is a good idea...let's go Claude. it might be painful, but I'm going to be with you... ------------ (Nibelheim flashback) Tifa: See Claude? The water tower is there...and the old man's inn. Even the old truck, which was parked here since we were little kids. This is the Nibelheim in your memory right? It's the same as mine...so this is OUR Nibelheim... Claude1: (appears) Tifa: 5 years ago, 2 Soldiers came here...Sephiroth, and another young Soldier. Tell me again, what was it like? (Claude recounts the events-) >>Sephiroth: What is it like? Tifa: 5 years ago was the first time I met the real Sephiroth. >>Sephiroth: How does it feel to be back to your old village? I don't have a home town so I can't understand... >>Young Claude: Ummm...Your parents? Tifa: So this is Sephiroth... >>Sephiroth: My mother's name is Jenova. She died shortly after giving birth. My father... Tifa: But...to tell you the truth...I thought I met the coldest man in my life. >>Sephiroth: Let's go. Tifa: I remember having a bad feeling about this... >>(3 soldiers follow Seph, one of them is blonde Soldier Claude) Tifa: (shakes her head) No Claude...I never told you because I was afraid. But I won't hide it anymore. You weren't there in Nibelheim, 5 years ago. Another person was sent on this mission along with Sephiroth. (Tifa shows Claude what really happened: >>Sephiroth: Let's go. >>(3 soldiers follow...but Claude's place is taken by a black haired Soldier) ------------- (back in Claude's conscience, not the Nibelheim flashback) Claude1: The Soldier was not Claude? Tifa: I can't say anything else...(turns around) You have to find the truth within yourself...If you can't find that...you will be... don't rush Claude. Take your time, step by step, ok? Claude1: (sinks down on the floor, dejected) Claude2: That night at the water tower...that promise we made there... what if that's also a lie...? Tifa: Don't rush Claude...don't hurt yourself. You have to remember little details...for example, that night under all those stars... ------------ (Starry Night Flashback) Tifa: From the beginning Claude, try to remember. (Child Claude and Child Tifa appear in memory) Tifa: That's right...I was wearing this dress. And you were still very short back then. (sits next to Child Tifa)...you were so cute! Sephiroth once said that you were created from Jenova copying my memory...but this scene is something that You Yourself remember. Claude2: (shakes his head) Tifa: All the starts...we were talking alone...that's why I never doubted that you were the 'Real Claude'. I still believe that you are the Claude I knew since Nibelheim. But you don't believe it...this memory isn't enough... (returns to Claude's conscience) ---------- (Claude's conscience) Tifa: Claude, then... can you think of something else? No...not THINK... you have to DIG for thoughts and sometimes they can be wrong. But 'Memory' is something valuable. It's not fake - and this is what we have to get out of you. Any memories to do with me, for example! Something that I might remember as well... ...by the way, why did you want to become a Soldier? To me, it looked like you decided so suddenly- Claude2: ...I was frustrated...I wanted people to accept me...If I was stronger, maybe... Tifa: Accepted? By whom?! Claude2: ...isn't it obvious? By you, Tifa. Tifa: Me? Why?! Claude2: Tifa...you forgot? (turns away, disappointed) Tifa: You were...I'm sorry. What are you talking about? Claude3 (the child conscience of Claude): No, it's ok. Tifa, you were going through hard times...so it's natural that you can't remember. Tifa: About when? Claude3: For me...it hurt...but for me, that time was important..do you want to see it? Claude4: ...the secret wish...which I kept sealed within me... Claude3: Do you know where this window leads to Tifa? Here we go- ---------- (Tifa's Room Flashback) Tifa: My room? Claude3: It was the first time for me to go to your room. Tifa: Was it? Claude3: (nods) Before that, all I did was look at your window from outside. (3 kids, plus little Tifa appear) >>Kid1: Hey look! It's Claude! >>(kids see Little Claude running over to Tifa's house) >>Kid1: (to Tifa) Is he going to come inside? >>Little Tifa: ..... Tifa: This is the first day you came up to my room? ...yeah...you wre a neighbor but I never really knew you. I kept THINKING that we were good friends... Somehow, I can't remember you being here. I don't remember playing as little children...I can only recall the night at the water tower. Claude2: Tifa, you were always with 3 other boys. Tifa: (nods) Claude2: Always having a good time, laughing...I thought you were so immature, so childish! Tifa: (angrily) I WAS a child!! Claude2: I know. I was the one who was stupid... In truth, I wanted to be part of the group, but I never had the guts to ask. Then, I started to think: 'I am different...I am better than the rest...' But maybe ...maybe I could talk to them... Soon I started to tag along. I had so much self-pity...I was so weak. Even the time I asked you to meet me at the tower, I kept thinking- 'Tifa would probably not even bother coming. I'm not important to her'. Tifa: I see....yeah, I was surprised when you asked me. It's true that we weren't the best of friends...but I really did think about you alot, after you left Nibelheim. What's Claude doing? Did he become a Soldier? I even started to read the newspaper, looking for articles about Soldiers. I thought I might see some news about you... Claude3: Thanks Tifa...could you tell that to him over there later? (points to outcast Little Claude of memory) It'll make him happy. Tifa: I will! ...? Wait...what happened that day? Claude3: It was when...Tifa's mother... Tifa: Mama...died that day. >>Little Tifa: I want to see mama!!! (cries, runs out of the house) ----------- (Flashback at Mt Nibel) >>Little Tifa: What's beyond that mountain? >>Kid1: Mt Nibel is so scaaaary! People died there...you can't cross it >>alive! >>Little Tifa: Then, what about hte people who died? Did mama cross >>the mountain? I'm going!! (marches down the path to Mt Nibel, >>searching for 'mama') >>(Kid 1 runs away, afraid, while the other 2 kids look at each other. They slowly follow Tifa to Mt Nibel. Little Claude also runs after Tifa) ----------- (bridge flashback, the other 2 children turn back while Tifa walks across the bridge. Claude goes after Tifa, concerned - Yeah, Claude always was THE MAN! But...the two fall off the bridge...) Claude2: I can't remember exactly where or how I walked...I tried to save you when you slipped, but I didn't make it in time... we both fell from the cliff. I just scraped my knee.... >>Tifa's Father: CLAUDE!! Why did you take my daughter here!? I >>don't understand the way your mind works boy... what were you going to >>do if something happened to her!? (shakes his fists at Claude, and >>then takes unconscious little Tifa home) Claude2: Tifa, you were in a coma for 7 days...I thought you would die. Because of me! I hated myself for not being able to do anything... from the on, I started to think that everything you said or did was mean. I started to carry a chip on my shoulder, always picking fights... ...It was then, I heard of Sephiroth. I wanted to be like Sephiroth. If I could be stronger, everyone might look at me in a different way... ------------- (back in Claude's conscience) Tifa: I see...Claude...I'm sorry. If only I realized- Claude: It's not your fault. Tifa: I ws 8 years old then.... ... THAT's IT!! Claude, you weren't made 5 years ago! Claude, c'mon! Just a bit more, and we'll find your true self. Back to Nibelheim now, one more time! ------------ (Nibelheim) Tifa: Wait Claude, where are you going? Claude: ...the reactor?...Yeah, there! 5 years ago! ------------ (reactor 5 years ago, Seph takes the Masamune out of Young Tifa's hand and slashes her. Tifa falls down the stairs in front of the Jenova Room. Then, a black haired Soldier runs up the stairs...) Tifa: It's not you Claude!! Claude: ??...Za...ks...!! ZAKS!!! Tifa: You remember him now!? Yes, it was ZAKS who went to Nibel...then, where were you Claude? (Zaks loses against Sephiroth and is thrown out of the Jenova Chamber. He lands on one of the capsules...half-dead.) Claude, you were watching all this!? Claude: Yes... (A minor soldier dressed in blue uniform runs up the stairs, goes inside the Jenova room and stabs Sephiroth through his back) >>Sephiroth: (groans in pain)....!!...Who..is it!? (Seph turns around, sees the soldier who ambushed him, then slumps against Jenova's glass case) >>Blue soldier: Give me back my mother! ...This whole town!!... I always had looked up to you.... Tifa: Claude? (Blue soldier takes off his mask; it's Claude underneath) Tifa: Claude!! It was you!! You were always there... Yes...I remember that soldier.... that soldier was you! --------- (flashback inside the back of the truck) >>Zaks: Take off the mask if you are carsick. >>Claude: Yeah. Claude: I never became a Soldier...I was ashamed to meet everyone in the town. >>Seph: (addresses the blue soldier Claude this time) How does it feel to be back home? Claude: I was.... ------------- (flashback at the Jenova Room, young Claude picks up wounded Young Tifa) Tifa: You were there for me! You did keep your promise, and you came to help me! Claude: Sorry, I was a little late. (Sephiroth staggers out of the Jenova Room and stares at Claude. He's holding the Masamune in the right hand, and Jenova's severed head in the other) >>Sephiroth: ...against...someone like you... (leaves) >>Zaks: Claude, finish him off!! >>(Claude nods and runs after Sephiroth) ------------ (at the narrow walkway above the boiling pit of Makou) >>Claude: SEPHIROTH!! (Sephiroth stops, waits for Claude to get close enough, then quickly turns around and stabs Claude) >>Sephiroth: Don't...you...mock me...(Seph lifts up the Masamune, lifting Claude off his feet - he is still stabbed by the Masamune. Claude grips the blade with both hands and gets down on his feet) >>Sephiroth: ...??!! This can't be happening!!! (Claude throws Sephiroth into the pit of hot Makou, Sephiroth dies) ----------- (back in Claude's conscience) Tifa: Claude... Claude: Good by Tifa...I'll meet you again. Tifa: ?? (Claude 1, Claude 2... all those seperate Claudes fuse together and form the true Claude) Claude: ...Tifa... Tifa: Claude...It's really you...you're back! Claude: Tifa, finally... Tifa: YOU MORON!! You don't know how much you made me worry- Claude: (falls down, major headache) Tifa: Claude!! Are you alright? Claude: (hears the lifestream, dead souls) Their voices... Tifa: ...We are still in the lifestream...let's go back Claude. The others are waiting. Claude: I...you're right. Let's go back- (Tifa and Claude hold hands and float back to the surface of the Makou pool) ----------- (Tifa and Claude are in Mideel, surrounded by the rest of the group) Barett: Tifa, are you ok!? Tifa: Uhhh...mmmm? ...Barett...is Claude ok? Barett: Don't worry. He's a tough guy. Really. Tifa: Barett...I found the Real Claude within the lifestream...no..he found himself finally. Barett: I know. But really ...you are one tough lady too. Tifa: You know...people can remember so much...they can forget so much...it's strange (falls asleep, exhausted) Barett: Hey Tifa! Tifa?! -------------- (back in the Airship, Highwind) Claude: Everybody...I have to apologize...I don't know what to say... Red: It's fine Claude, you apologize too much lately. Claude: I'm not an ex-Soldier. The pst which I told you were all lies which I made myself believe...that past belonged to the Soldier Zaks. I mized his memory with my own...it was an illusion... Barett: Illusion... then, it was pretty realistic for one. Claude: (nods) My body is just like a Soldier's. Hojo's Sephiroth Copies are made in the same method as the Soldiers. Soldiers don't only get Makou doses... they are humans embedded with Jenova's cells. It has nothing to do with how good or bad you are...only the strong become Soldiers. They can live without being affected by Jenova's Reunion...but weak ones like me, we lose our minds. Jenova's cells, Sephiroth's will, and my weakness...these combined and made the 'Claude' that you all know. I didn't live in reality...but now I will. Tifa: Back to being the 'cynical, messed up Claude' again! Barett: Ha! Then you're no different then what you were! Cait: By the way Claude-san, What are you going to do now? Don't tell me that you are going to leave us- Claude: The Meteo is my fault. So I'm going to do whatever I can to stop it. Barett: Save the planet. Claude: Barett, you always say this- Barett: ?? oh, that thing? Red: What what? Tell me! Tell me! All: You can't get off a moving train!! (The End) ------------- phew, that was long! To those who are curious who Zaks is: Earlier in the game, Aerith mentions that she used to date an ex- Soldier, who was in the 1st class rank. She instantly falls in love with Claude because 'his actions, his past...it all matches her ex'. Hmmm. Then, later, you go to the town of Gongaga where there was a Makou-Reactor Meltdown years ago. In one house, there are two old people who ask Claude, "Do you know our son by any chance? His name is Zaks..." Upon hearing this, Aerith runs outside, upset. (After Zaks was drafted for the Nibelheim Mission, Aerith found out that Zaks died there. She did not know that Sephiroth killed him.) Das ist alles! :) Cathy