It's translated to the best of my ability, and after you play through the second CD, (when Claude regains his memory), players are supposed to realize that not all of this scene is true. (So I'm telling you beforehand that I'm not the one who is lying in this translation: it's Claude and Tifa who don't tell the whole truth in this part of the game). Well, here goes... it starts as soon as Claude goes up to the second floor at the inn at Kalm... :) ----------- (at the inn at Kalm) Tifa: You're late! Barett: What took you so long? Claude: Sorry...Kept you waiting. Aerith: Everyone's here now. Barett: Let's hear it...Sephiroth...danger of the planet... everything you know. Claude: (nods) I became a soldier because I wanted to be like Sephiroth. We became friends after a few battles- Barett: Friends? Claude: Well...he was years older, and he didnt talk much about himself. Tifa: ... Claude: Maybe...just comrades in a war? We trusted each other until... Aerith: Until? Claude: (turns away) During the final stages of the war... we, soldiers were assigned to kill all who opposed the was a tragic job. It was 5 years ago...I was 16. (Inside the truck, 5 years ago) Claude: Look at the rain- (to another soldier) How are you feeling? Soldier: Im OK. Claude: I never become carsick so...I dont really know how it feels. (to another soldier) Everything OK? Sephiroth: (to Claude) Hey you- sit down and take it easy. Claude: They gave me new materias- Im just anxious to try them out. Sephiroth: ...a child, you are. Claude: So, tell me about todays mission. Sephiroth: ...our mission is different from the usual- Claude: Thats great! Sephiroth: Why? Claude: I became a soldier because I wanted to be the kind that you are. But as soon as I was promoted to 1st class, the war ended. I lost my chance to be the hero. (turns to Seph) Tell me, how does it feel to be the hero, Sephiroth-san*? -- Sephiroth: ...I thought you asked about todays mission. Claude: (scratches his head) Sephiroth: Our assignment is to examine an old-type reactor. Not only is it malfunctioning, there are too many monsters there. It is our job to kill them, find out whats causing the problem and repair it. Claude: Monsters...where is this place? Seph: The reactor at Nibelheim. Claude: Nibelheim...I was born there. Seph: Ahhh...your birthplace. Driver: A..A monster!! It's attacking the vehicle!! Sephiroth: (rises slowly, annoyed) So...the monster makes its appearance... --Battle sequence with dragon-- ------ (Back in Kalm) Claude: Sephiroth's strength was beyond normal...It was greater than all the rumors I had heard- Aerith: ??? What about YOU Claude? Claude: Me? I was just watching him fight. Tifa: .... Claude: ...And then we reached Nibelheim. ------ (at Nibelheim, flashback) Seph: What is it like? This is your hometown. How does it feel to be back? I don't have a hometown so I don't understand... Claude: ? umm...what about your parents? Seph: My mother's name is Jenova. She died shortly after giving birth. My father is....(laughs) ...What am I saying...Let's go. Barett (voice): Wait a second! Isn't it that thing? Sephiroth's mother- ----- (back in Kalm) Barett: Jenova...I remember!! The headless thing in the Shinra building!! Claude: That's correct. Tifa: Barett, let him finish. Questions later. Barett: But Tifa.... Tifa: Claude, go on. The part when the childhood sweethearts met! Claude: Tifa, you surprised me back then... ...the town was so quiet. The people locked their doors fearing the monsters...No...maybe they feared us. ------- (back in Nibelheim, flashback) Seph: We'll depart for the reactor early tomorrow morning. I suggest you get rest soon. (open the door to the inn, then stops, looks at the two soldiers in blue uniform) One man is all we need to keep watch. You take a rest. (to Claude) Go meet your family and friends. (goes inside the inn). Photographer: I was waiting with my camera. I need a shot of Sephiroth fighting a monster- Claude: 1. Take MY picture! >>Photographer answers: I'm not interested in minor soldiers. 2. It's dangerous, stay inside your house!! >>Photographer: Yes yes... (jerk) Huh? (This boy is...) Are you...Claude? Ohhhh...I see I see. Photographer: Claude, you look so grown up now. Claude: 1. Think so? Then take my picture! >>Photographer: Let's make a deal Claude. I'll take your picture, but you have to ask Sephiroth to be in the photo too, OK? 2. I told you, stay inside the house!! >>Photographer: Yeah yeah.... (your just a corporal working under Sephiroth) ----- (Inside Claude's house) Claude: my house...It has nothing to do with the incident five years ago. Barett (voice): But it's interesting! Aerith (voice): Yeah! You weren't back for a long time, right? Barett (voice): Let's hear it. So you met your family? Claude: 1. I don't want to talk about it. >> Barett: OK, we won't force you. 2. *sighs* Claude: My family...My dad died when I was really young. So mom was teh only one there. She hadn't changed at all. She was such an energetic woman. A few days later she passed away though... but at that time, mom was really healthy, happy... (at Nibelheim, Claude's house) Claude: Umm... Mom: Yeees?? (pauses) Claude!!? Welcome back Claude!! Claude: Yeah mom. I'm home. > This symbol, +++ means that Claude has a memory lapse there < +++ Mom: Let's see how you look. (walks around Claude) You look VERY impressive. Is that your uniform you are wearing? Claude: Mom...I... +++ Mom: You've grown really handsome. I bet girls can't leave you alone. Claude: Not that I care. Mom: ...You worry your mother...You should have a girlfriend. Claude: I'm OK. Mom: For you...the kind of girl who is a bit more mature than you...the type that will keep tugging at your sleeve, pull you along the way... I think this kind of girl would be perfect for you. Claude: I'm not interested. Mom: Are you eating properly? Claude: Yeah, Don't worry. The company gives me food. Mom: I see. I was wondering how you were doing because you can't cook. ++++ Mom: Claude- ++++ Mom: But you see Claude, ++++ Mom: Isn't that right Claude? +++ Mom: Mom is always, always thinking about you- ++++ Claude (voice): ....we'll stop here.... ------- (At Tifa's house) Tifa (voice): Claude? Did you go in my house? Claude: 1. Yeah...thought you might be around. (goes upstairs) 2. N..No.... (exits house) -------- (Tifa's room) Tifa: Claude...did you go into my room? Claude: 1. Yeah...(goes inside the room) 2. No.....(exits, duh) (If you check the dresser-, you find an item called "Slightly streched underwear") Tifa: Claude, IS THAT TRUE!!!??? Claude: 1. Yeah... >> Tifa: Claude...We are on a SERIOUS topic right now. (on with the story) 2. It's, it's just a joke. Don't get angry!! (on with the story) ------ (Tifa's desk, the letter) Claude: A letter.... Tifa: Did you read it, when it was addressed to me? Claude: 1. Of course not!! (ignores letter) 2. Yeah.... >> Tifa: You remember what it said? >> Claude: 1. No (ignores letter) 2. I remember clearly... Claude: I read it....The merchant's son's letter... "Dear Tifa...How's it going? I got to Midgard 8 days ago. Yesterday we had a party with all the other guys from Nibelheim. We couldn't contact Claude. Not that it matters. He wasn't much more than an acquaintance, and he would have said 'No' anyway. He doesn't matter. Midgard is just incredible. I was so...unfashionable there...even the people of the slums live in well decorated houses. Right now I have no money, but as soon as I get some, I'm going to move out of the slums and buy myself the kind of house you see in books about Midgard.... So that's what I plan, but I still can't find a job. I lied to my parents in their letter...I told them I was already employed. Well, there's no turning back now...although sometimes I wish I was still the 'merchant of Nibelheim'...." Tifa: Claude, you remember all of this? Claude: 1. Just up to here. (stops reading letter) 2. All of it. Claude: I remember it because it was about me... (reads the letter) "Even though I just got to Midgard...all I can think about is Nibelheim. Tifa, is that old water pump still working? Is the old man at the inn still well? How are my parents doing? Any monsters? Above all...Tifa, how are you doing? I feel like I haven't seen you in years. Yesterday, we all talked about you. Everyone loves you Tifa...really. When I was younger, I thought of asking you out but I was afraid that you'd say no. Ooops, better stop here, otherwise this will become a love letter! So...until next time. P.S. Write back please! " (end of letter) ----------- (The Inn) Karate master Zangan: So. You are one of the Shinra soldiers sent to clean up the monsters? Claude: And you? Zangan: I am Zangan. I teach martial arts. I have 128 students worldwide! From this town, I have a student named Tifa. Claude: Tifa? Zangan: That girl has talent, I tell you. She will become a great fighter! ------------- (Upstairs) Claude: (to Seph, whose looking out the window) What are looking at? Seph: I have a feeling...I know this place.... Seph: We're getting up early tomorrow. Go get some sleep. Claude: 1. It's too early. >>Seph: I won't wake you up tomorrow morning. 2. Yeah, OK. >>Seph: I've arranged for a guide to take us to the reactor. A young girl...I don't know if she can be of any help. ----------- (Outside, the next morning) Seph: We'll leave as soon as the guide comes. Tifa's father: Sephiroth. Listen to me...If anything happens to my daughter... Seph: Don't worry. Tifa: It's gonna be fine, papa! There are two Very strong soldiers here. (to Sephiroth) I'm Tifa, nice to meet you. Claude: Tifa!!? You're the guide?!! Tifa: Uh-huh! I know this area better than anyone else. Claude: But it's too dangerous! I can't let you come along- Seph: (to Claude) There will be no problems, because you will protect her. Let's go. Photographer: Uh...excuse me, Sephiroth-san? Just 1 photograph- Seph: (turns away) Photographer: Tifa, can you ask him for me? (Sephiroth reluctantly joins Claude and Tifa for a group picture) Photographer: Here we go! (*Click*) Thank you! As soon as I develop it, you'll each get a copy! ----------- (aerial view of Mt. Nibel) Claude (narrating): The reactor was built on Mt. Nibel. ...Mt Nibel was the same as cold... ----------- (bridge) Tifa: It's dangerous from here, but follow me! (runs across the bridge) !!?? The bridge is-!! (Bridge snaps, Tifa, Claude, Seph, and 2 soldiers fall) ----------- (at the foot of the mountain) Seph: (to Claude and Tifa) So you two are all right. Can we get back up there? Tifa: The caves around here are like mazes... But Sephiroth- san...we're missing 1 person... Seph: It may sound cold, but we have no time to look for him. We will proceed, and I'll have you stick together from now on. ----------- (inside Cave) Claude: What's this? Tifa: This cave has a strange color- Seph: Makou energy. The rock itself contains it; this is the reason why the reactor was built on the mountain. ----------- (at the spring) Claude: ....what's that? Seph: A Makou spring. Tifa: It's so pretty...(walks up to spring) If we continue to consume Makou energy, this spring is going to disappear. Seph: (at the crystal) This is a materia. It forms when Makou energy is concentrated. It's not every day that you can see a natural materia. Claude: Just curious but... How come we can use magic by holding materia? Seph: You became a soldier, without even knowing this?!..... Inside a materia is trapped knowledge of the Ancients. Knowledge which deals with the elements of our planet. It ties us to the earth and releases the elements' power- so I've heard. Claude: ...magic...weird... Seph: (laughs) Claude: Did I say something funny? Seph: (shakes his head) There was one man who said, 'I don't believe in such magic. The word 'magic' itself should be banned - it is too unscientific.' I just remembered him and found it amusing. Claude: Who is this man? Seph: Hojo of the Shinra company. A weak human who is trying to make his place among the great scientists... a man with too many problems of his own. Tifa: thiscontains knowledge of the Ancients.... ----------- (Outside the reactor) Tifa: We're finally here after all those detours. Claude: Tifa, you have to wait out here. Tifa: I'm going inside too! I want to see this! Seph: I can't have that. This reactor contains secrets of Shinra Development team. Tifa: But- Seph: (to another soldier) Watch the girl. ---------- (inside the capsule room) Claude: Jenova...what is it? The door is locked. Seph: (looks at the bulb capsule) This is the problem...this part is broken...Claude. Fix this for me. Claude: (repairs the capsule) Seph: Why did it break....? (looks inside the capsule) ....(to himself) Now I understand, Hojo... But these experiments won't make you superior to Professor Ghast. (to Claude) This is a system designed to cool the concentrated Makou energy. Now....what happens if you further concentrate the cooled Makou? Claude: Ummm....ummm... Oh yeah! You get a materia! Seph: Correct. Under normal conditions. However, Hojo put something inside these capsules. Take a look. Go on, look inside the glass. Claude: (falls backward upon seeing the monster) Wh...What the... Seph: Standard soldiers like yourself are humans given doses of Makou energy. You are different from the rest of mankind...but you are still human. But what are these? They are exposed to dense Makou beyond comparison to you soldiers. Claude: This is...the 'monster'? Seph: Exactly. Hojo is responsible for creating them. Monsters...mutations created from Makou energy. Claude: You said 'standard soldiers'? What about yourself? Seph: (buries his face in his hands) Claude: Hey, Sephiroth?! Seph: (shakes his head) No...It can't be.... too? (Slashes capsule with the sword, Masamune) WAS I BORN LIKE THIS!!? (Slahes again) ARE YOU SAYING I'M THE SAME AS THESE MONSTERS!!? Claude: ...Sephiroth... Seph: (to Claude) You saw what was inside! These beings were once human! Claude: Human!? No... Seph: ....(calms down) As a child, I always thought I was different from the others...I thought of myself as special, superior.... But, I never meant to be different in this way... (capsule breaks open, releasing a monster) ----------- (narration) Claude: "Am I human"....I didn't understand what Sephiroth meant at that time... ---------- (At Kalm) Barett: Damn those Shinras!! Tifa: So that was the secret of that reactor... Red XIII: There was a clear reason why the population of monstors increased...Now we really need to pay extra attention to Claude's story. Isn't that correct, Barett? Barett: (thinks: Why me? Why do you always blame me?!) 1. Let's save and take a break 2. Go on with your story. Red XIII: (humph) Aerith: Tifa? You were waiting outside all the time? Tifa: ......yes. Claude: We returned to Nibelheim. Sephiroth refused to talk to anyone. Tifa: Then, he disappeared. Claude: (nods) We found him inside the biggest house in Nibelheim. Tifa: The townpeople called it the 'Shinra mansion'. It was vacant since I was born. Claude: Workers of the Shinra Company used to live there.... but it was a long time ago. ----------- (At Nibelheim, flashback, inside the hidden library) Seph: (reading a book) "...organism found underground....approx. 2000 years of age....discovered half-dead... Professor Ghast names it Jenova.... Date: XXX Confirmed that Jenova is one of the 'Ancients'... Date: XXX Begins the Jenova Project...Makou Reactor 1 is certified for use Seph: Mother's name was Jenova... Jenova Project... is this a coincidence? ...Professor Ghast... why didn't you tell me anything?...Why did you die... Seph: (when Claude tries to talk to him) Leave me alone. ----------- (Claude's narration) ...Sephiroth trapped himself inside the mansion basement, reading through every book, every file... as if he was possessed. ----------- (Days later, when Claude walks down to the basement) Seph: (chuckles) Seph: (In the back library) Who's there!! ...Traitor... Claude: Traitor? Seph: Traitor who knows nothing. I will explain to you. This planet belonged to the Setra. Setras were nomads...they travel...they unlock the planet... and they travel again. After their long and painful journey, they reach the Promised Land and find their final happiness. (turns to Claude) However. One day, a few of them started to hate this journey. They chose the easier life, they built houses, they took from the Setra the gifts from the planet, and never returned them. (points accusingly at Claude) These... are your ancestors. Claude: Sephiroth... Seph: Then there was a catastrophe on our planet. Your ancestors fled...they survived only because they hid like cowards. The planet was saved by the Setra who lost their lives in this battle for the planet... Your kind simply multiplied. Now...the Setra are a people who remain only on the pages of these reports. Claude: What does this have to do with you?! Seph: Still don't get it? The 2000 year old being named Jenova...and the Jenova Project. The project was designed to synthetically recreate the 'Ancients'...ones with the powers of the Setra. ...and I, was manufactured. Claude: Manufactured?! Seph: Yes. The man responsible for the Jenova Project...the genius Professor Ghast created me. Claude: How could Seph: Stay out of my way... I am going to meet Mother. ----------- Outside- (the burning village) Zangan: You there...are you sane!? If you, come here and help me!! I'm going to go inside this house- you check that one- Photographer: I going to die? Blue soldier: ...Sephi..roth... (Claude enters his house and comes out, shaking his head) Claude: ...Sephiroth...this is too much! ----------- (Mt Nibel Reactor) Tifa: (kneeling besides father) Papa....'s Sephiroth! Sephiroth did it...didn't he!? ...Sephiroth...soldiers...reactors...Shinra... all of it! I HATE THEM ALL!!!! (picks up Masamune and runs into Capsule room) Seph: Mother, I'm here. Please open this door... (Tifa runs up the stairs, preparing to stab Sephiroth, but Sephiroth grabs the sword from Tifa and slashes her) Tifa: (to Claude) You promised'd come before I got hurt... --------- (In the Jenova room) Seph: Mother, let's take this planet back from them. I have a great idea....we'll go to the Promised Land. Claude: Sephiroth....You took away my family, You took away my town!! Seph: (laughs) Mother...they're here again. You were born to rule the planet with your power, your intelligence, and your magic... But they...the ones with NO right took the planet from you.... but you don't have to be sad anymore... (rips the machine part away from Jenova's beaker) Claude: What about my pain! I lost my family, my friends...What about MY pain!? It's the same as yours!! Seph: (laughs)...Pain? Why should I feel any pain? I am the chosen one. I was selected to rule this planet. I was given life to punish your race and return this planet back into the hands of the Setra, where it belongs. Why should I feel pain? Claude: Sephiroth... I trusted you.... (holds the sword) No, You are not the Sephiroth that I knew. -------------- (At Kalm) Claude: The story ends here. Barett: Wait, what happened next!? Claude: ....don't remember. Aerith: What happened to Sephiroth? Claude: He was a much more skilled fighter...I can't say I won that battle. Tifa: The papers said that Sephiroth died. Aerith: But the newspapers are published by Shinra. We can't trust what they say. Claude: I need to know myself...what happened afterward. I am still alive after fighting Sephiroth. Why didn't he kill me? Tifa: Me too. Aerith: This is all so weird...what about Jenova? Didn't we see her in the lab inside the Shinra building? Claude: The company transported Jenova from Nibelheim to Midgard. That's a fact. Aerith: Then...someone took Jenova from the building... Tifa: Sephiroth? Barett: Aaaaarggghh!! This is too confusing! I'm going, and I'm leaving the thinking part for you all. Barett: Claude!! Get ready, we're going. Claude: 1. Wait! 2. OK (leaves town) Barett: (in response to 1,) Claude, what are we waiting for? Are you going to just watch Sephiroth take the Promised Land? We have to get their first, BEFORE the Shinra, BEFORE Sephiroth. That's I know. Claude: 1. Excellent idea!! >> Barett: Just leave everything to me!! 2. That's it? >> Barett: ...'That's it??' This is enough for now! Claude: (after Barett leaves, sighs) Tifa: ....Claude, What was I like after I was slashed by Sephiroth? Claude: (shakes his head) I were was so sad Tifa... Tifa: .... Aerith: I....the Ancients...Setra...Jenova...Sephiroth...and myself... Tifa: Let's go. Barett's waiting. Red XIII: (after they all leave) Truly, an interesting topic... ------- finally finished... I hope this is helpful -- Cathy Okada ** Special Note If you do take this from my site, please give Cathy full credit for this.